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Displaying items by tag: Amy Adams

It's Friday, and apparently Friday is Ladies' Night where relatively minor Man of Steel news is concerned.

Amy Adams, the incoming Lois Lane, briefly discussed her role in the Superman reboot on national television last night.  An action figure, meanwhile, has revealed our best look yet at Faora, the villainous Kryptonian sidekick played by Antje Traue.

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We've been seeing quite a bit of Henry Cavill stuffed into a supersuit as the title character in Man of Steel lately, as well as thoughts on Superman's alien origin from screenwriter David S. Goyer.  Between Cavill's muscles and Goyer's assertion that the reboot is "a story of a man with two fathers," things are getting a little phallocentric in Metropolis.

Luckily, a new black and white image brings a feminine touch to Man of Steel, as it shows off Amy Adams as the indomitable Lois Lane.

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Despite looking like a corn-fed quarterback, Superman is, in fact, an alien refugee on Earth.  And from what screenwriter David S. Goyer has been saying about Man of Steel, the new Superman reboot will make Kal-El of Krypton's extraterrestrial lineage a central thematic element of the rejiggered origin story that remains fairly mysterious.

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With just about five months until Man of Steel brings Superman back to theaters in ostentatious fashion.  In order to facilitate the hype that'll be overwhelming later this year, we have two variations on one exceedingly clear image of Henry Cavill in the redesigned Superman costume as the Last Son of Krypton.

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'Man of Steel' Is Now Rated PG-13

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 10:22

Okay, let's keep this short and sweet: the Superman reboot has received a rating from the Motion Picture Association of America about five months out from its nationwide release.

Man of Steel is rated PG-13, which is pretty much exactly what you'd expect from Zack Snyder's take on Superman's origin.

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Jimmy Olsen is the red-headed stepchild of the Daily Planet, a plucky, sweater and bowtie wearing young photographer who mostly exists to get in trouble and get saved by Superman.  Like Lex Luthor, it seemed that Man of Steel would leave Jimmy out of Superman's rebooted origin altogether.

That may not be the case after all.  What if Jimmy Olsen is in Man of Steel, but with a different gender as Jenny Olsen?

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He hasn't seen the movie yet, but Russell Crowe is psyched about Man of Steel nonetheless.

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Between the set photos of long ago and the more recent theatrical for Man of Steel, we've now put our eyes on Henry Cavill in costume as the newly rebooted cinematic Superman quite a few times.  In those set photos, though, Cavill isn't properly lit, and the trailer itself keeps shots of the costume quite quick and partial. 

Thanks to the miracle of merchandizing tie-ins, today we have a look at an excessively detailed statue of Superman and his new duds.  Spoiler: he looks very superheroic.

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IAR's Oscar Nominations & Snubs Breakdown

Friday, 11 January 2013 08:51

Who’s in? Who’s out? The Oscar nominees have now been announced and while the Academy did get a lot right, there were also some glaring omissions. The 3 biggest surprises: No Ben Affleck for Best Director. No John Hawkes for Best Actor. No Leonardo DiCaprio for Best Supporting Actor. What’s so shocking about those “snubs”- and every year there are the inevitable few- is that I would argue that all 3 of them could have WON the Oscar had they been nominated. Let’s take a closer look at the 6 main categories, both the nominees and the snubs, and what it all means…

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Want to see an almost upsettingly handsome man looking his handsomest in an iconic outfit? 

Look no further, folks, because there's a new image of Henry Cavill as the title character in this year's Man of Steel making the rounds, and it features a Superman with features chiseled out of Kryptonite.

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